Dogs are people, too

My dog Poltoo used to be a street dog who used to sleep on rough concrete and beg for his meals. But now he loves sleeping on couches and beds.
Before the rise of modern physics and astronomy, man thought he was at the centre of the universe. Now we know that we are but a speck in an unimaginably vast universe populated with filament-like networks of galactic superclusters and voids.
The Western philosopher René Descartes thought that animals were automatons, kind of robots made of flesh and blood without souls. The West’s treatment of animals is largely based on this outdated and outright mistaken point of view.
The research quoted here suggests that dogs have a rich inner life, something that any pet owner knows intuitively. It provides motivation for rethinking our (mis)treatment of fellow sentient beings who reside on this earth. It should lead us to rethink our use of industrial farm practices, animal testing, and also the mass-slaughter of animals in religious ceremonies.
Dogs are people, too. And this is the best kind of science.
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