A Tribute to Science Fiction
This article was written when I was 16 years old and published in the popular astronomy journal “Akash Totthya.”
They say it all began with Mary Shelly’s Gothic novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus. “It” being the relatively new genre of literature called science fiction (Sci-fi for short). Its definition? It’s a literary genre in which fiction writers treat how human race is affected by scientific discoveries, social changes, future phenomenons, technological development. We, the human race, are sitting on a time-bomb. A bomb big enough to throw us into interstellar space. And it can go off any moment. So before it blows us sky high, we must think and prepare to face the confusion that’ll follow this explosion.
Having difficulty of understanding me? Then let’s go into more details.
Nature has provide us with only those tools and senses necessary for survival, reproduction and a little more. After taking care of the first two we, the more or less bored citizens of this planet, have added little by little to this third part “a little more”. What I mean is, day after day, we have gained more knowledge about nature than necessary for survival. And I think in recent years our knowledge is increasing in geometrical progression. So there is a clear line of distinction between us and the other species of this planet. For that reason for millennia all our religions have hailed us as the greatest beings ever to be created by the Great Creator. So we’re confident of ourselves. A little overconfident, I think. What if someday we discover an alien civilization far more advanced (or primitive) than us in ways more radical than we have ever imagined (that’s just the moment the bomb will go off)? It would shatter our confidence as the greatest beings. Only then would we have a real clue to the immensity and the endless dimensions of the universe. When this, “time-bomb” ejects us from then terrestrial stage to the interstellar (or even intergalactic) field we will have to start worrying about survival and reproduction again. So here’s a word of warning. Be ready because when it happens things are going to change so dramatically and radically that it would be very difficult for this small and obscure planet to keep up.
Today Our beloved race stands fragmented. Senseless battles are fought. Maniacs, hypocrites & fanatics are corrupting societies. Its quite obvious that we’re heading for self-annihilation. We’d better start to unite and combine our thoughts, insights, experiments, arts etc. We’d better start thinking about the potential dangers and surprises the endless void can bring forth. We must keep in mind that our senses are limited and that we may not have enough “scanners” or “antennae” to fully grasp the nature of a new kind of intelligent alien life form or a strange new phenomenon or a new dimension of the universe.
We haven’t found alien life yet, have we? Guess again. We have! Through science fiction we have. I think sci-fis as one of the greatest modern blessings. They warn us about dangers still unseen and at the same time act as a source of imagination and courage to face the unknown which is absolutely necessary for progress inventions and discoveries.
Ever read Frankenstein? In the story a “Modern Prometheus” builds a being (monster) only to overlook the need of a mate which results in deaths and destruction. Doesn’t it supply you with valuable insights? Then again take the book (or the film) 2001 : A Space Odyssey in which man confronts a being which has achieved so many dimensions that our physics doesn’t apply to them any more. This film alone gives us a notion of the diversity of the universe. Again in Ridley Scotts movie “Alien” an alien form of life uses a living human being as a host body for growing.
These movies and stories, no matter how fictitious and fantastic they maybe, gives us invaluable insights and tells us, “Be prepared there may be E.T.s or monsters lurking around that next bend.” You might call them meaningless entertainment junk (don’t forget even for a moment sci-fis are written for entertainment and to satisfy the fiction writers’ unstoppable desire to create), I call them our guides to the unknown (side by side with science, of course). Because when a visionary writes science fiction somethings bound to come out of it.
A final question. Are you ready to face a future where earth may be (or may not be) smaller than dust?
It’s quiet in my room now. In this solitude I can clearly hear the ticking of a time-bomb packed with explosives of yet unknown origin. So I’m preparing myself for a close encounter of the unknown and queerest kind. What about you ?
One Response to “A Tribute to Science Fiction”
I can’t believe a sixteen year old boy wrote it. The way of expressing thoughts makes me wonder if I ever have organised my thoughts in this way ever in my life. Even though getting lost in thoughts has its own fun, reading this made me yearn for organising the endless loops of words and images in my mind.